Abstract Images and Writing from Nature With Digital Manipulations

Abstract Images and Writing from Nature With Digital Manipulations to create "ART"?

What do you see as an abstract form of a living creature that strikes fear in so many people?
Or could this be even the waves in a river?

We all know being in Nature is a stress release and doing things you love to do also help out. I have been journaling for years and was introduced to paper based Nature Journals during a Master's Class in Science Education back in 2004. 

The paper and colored pencil, pens, pastels and other drawing tools I had used for Nature sketches to enhance my recording my observations and connections with the natural world. 

Doing the drawing and writing about these observations as represented by my images I learned more but also was creative and I seemed to be thinking deeper about my natural observations so that I could connect them to Science Content to learn and then be able to teach it. 

During my teaching career I had noticed many of my lower achieving and especially Special Education students could draw well and generally could out do my higher academic students in making graphs of science data and then interpreting those graphs. 

I did some research on visual learning and started to work more use of images in my content presentations to help the students have a visual to connect to difficult science topics. 

I got some of my of these ideas from a Google search for artistic expression when dealing with stress as a way for self therapy to deal with difficult situations. 

Browsing and reading several different websites I got some ideas but when I found the Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Institute at https://www.focusingarts.com/home 

I was really impressed with the approaches page at: https://www.focusingarts.com/main-foat-approaches

The one key idea from this website was that an artistic creation could be the key to open one's mind to deeper thinking about the subject. 

My Digital Nature Journals use a Nature Sketch or Photograph as the prompt for creative writing.

As you view the images and read the creative writing from my NJ pages and postcards below do I still have a positive answer to this question:

Are these Abstract photography manipulation creations ART?

Left click on each photo for a better view in a gallery format. You can also scroll through them with the directional arrows. To return to the main page hit escape or click the X in the upper right hand corner of the picture.

An early project creating Abstract Nature Photographic ART in a Digital Postcard format.

A day hike during the early fall of 2021 along the Middle Prong trail above Tremont in the Smokies. Alongside the trail I stopped and listened to a sound and observed a common Natural occurrence. 

Two simple photos that were cropped, copied, and rotated; then combined to create something familiar but also different and abstract. 

Which ways do your eyes go when observing this collage? 

What patterns does your brain look for to see what this image is composed of ? 

Is there an up or a down or a side to side that you can see?

One photograph of a fall splendor I saw on a trail hiking to the summit of Mount Pisgah off the Blue Ridge Parkway. I also manipulated it using digital tools for this Abstract ART Creation.

....Horizontal or vertical?......

.....Diagonals upper left down to the lower right?

.....Diagonals upper right down to the lower left 

................Do the lines form peaks?....

Yellow and Orange....

.........What do they represent?.... 

...............What is this originally from?

A view to the southeast one early morning and a color manipulation of a photograph. Cropped down, duplicated four times, then rotated, and all 4 combined to make this fire like scene. Flames or not for this unique image I made from an everyday event here in East Tennessee.

Nature's Insect carvings as the writing prompts for a Nature Journal full of riddles and questions of the hidden symbols I found exposed when the tree bark released from the trunk.

Left click on each photo for a better view in a gallery format. You can also scroll through them with the directional arrows. To return to the main page hit escape or click the X in the upper right hand corner of the picture.

Bark Beetles at work along the East Lakeshore trail of Tellico lake near the Glendale access trailhead. Link to information:

A Nature Journal of abstract images carved out by these tiny insects in fallen trees.

Some of the "science" of these artistic creating insects

During July 2022 I photographed these three scenes of living organisms. The photographs just turned out abstract with only minor cropping. 

I added some simple free verse poems for each to further get my thoughts to develop my creative writing even more. 

I did my best to write a simple poem for a natural blurred picture from a tiny and quick winged one. 

I had to get down low on the ground to peer between the leaves of a small plant as I saw the yellow and black flutter as I was hiking one day. 

Further down the trail a splash of red was seen among a sea of green and a closer look reminded me of a crab extending his claws to pinch away. 

Can you figure out what these three might be?

Which of these from my iNaturalist identifications would be the names for the three above?

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus 

Scarlet Beebalm Monarda didyma 

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris

Two Reflections that will make you think

Have you ever felt like you don't know who or where you are within all the people when in a crowd? 

Maybe kind of like the Canadian Geese?

Or it could be worse and you are double whammy lost and confused?

Link to Tremont: Tremont in Smokies

Link to Great Smoky Mountains National Park Trail Map: Trail Map GSMNP

How about a Guessing game from some Nature images I saw while on a hike along the Middle Prong trail above Tremont in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on June 23, 2022?

Left click on each page and view each in sequence so you don't cheat to figure out the answers PLEASE!

Don't peek down to next page yet!

I added some science Taxonomy content so you can see the iNaturalist Observation Screenshots. I like visuals and images to convey information. The observation links on iNaturalist will be below the next page if you would like to get more information as well as see the original photographs of these species for the identifications or before I cropped them to make closeups.

A- Spicebush Swallowtail Papilio troilus 

B- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus

C- Harvestman Family Genus Leiobunum
We always called them "Granddaddy Long Legs"
This Genus has over 200 species
Note: I never got a confirmation for this observation ID

D-  White Lipped Globe Snail Mesodon thyroidus
Note: I never got a confirmation for this observation ID

E- American Giant Millipede Complex Narceus americanus 

Be on the look out for more Abstract Nature ART


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