"Open up the wider angle camera lens and get some earth and sky beauty to behold and take your breath away"
Quote by Randy Puckett August 30, 2022, Hey that's me!
To better view each of the images below just left click on one and it will appear enlarged and in a galley view. Use the directional arrows or swipe to scan forward or back. Hit escape to come back to the page view.
Sky showcasing clouds and colors.
Photographs from my elevated deck looking to the Sunrise to the east.
Fires in the sky among the clouds so what will it be like today?

My beloved Smokies to the Southeast with layering peaks among the lower wispy clouds.
Beauty with which to start today!
Update of a Smoky's view this afternoon
6:08 pm September 11, 2022
Dark cloud shadows up high
Still blue sky shining through
Puffy clouds moving with the ridges
Ridgeline layers getting higher beyond
Such a wonderful view to remind us
Keep on going with life each day
Get out and climb your mountains
Life with give us struggles to surpass
The beauty can be found again
Remember the views from a difficult
Mountain summit climb you did
My beloved Smoky Mountain views
Free Verse Poems Inspired By Scenic Photos
I started making these along with other Nature images and making a post everyday on Facebook starting on 12/2/2022
Positive Inspirations with which to start a day
More Positive Inspirations with which to start a day
Scenic Photos with Haiku Poems as simple ideas to brighten and add thoughts of awe from looking beyond your life bubble of space.
More Haiku on Bird Photos with Haiku Resources
December 3, 2022...Cold evening becoming dark and a flock of birds flying by crescent moon
Early morning skies and scenic views
Sunrise to the east and city lights of Maryville Tennessee November 26, 2022
Reds, pinks, and orange in the sky
Just a Feel Good Quick
Drawing Pen Sketch
Just a mental scene of the components
That are important for a good day
Blue sky with Sunshine
Got some green trees
Bright colored flowers
And I am still alive
Pretty durn good day
A 2020 East Tennessee Christmas Eve snowfall covering downtown Maryville during a time of recovery. Randy being re-awakened to the beauty of his life from this scene.
Musings of the sky's in the early morning over my Smoky Mountain's peaks with connections to so much more of my world. In a few months major changes in my life would occur and I would return to my home alone. I was blessed when I made a routine of having my morning coffee on the elevated deck for the views above. An early Reflection Journal composed in May 2020 of Sol and Sunrises over Two Distant Peaks.
Look Rock Web-Cam:
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Closer to Nature.....
Digital Nature Journaling Blog
Love the views from the deck, what a great place to watch the dawn! And nice to see a little snow in the neighborhood too! Wait a couple months and we'll be happy to send you more....