Positive and inner strength from Nature photographs with creative free verse poetic writings 12/8 to 12/31 2022

When I go into Nature my mental state gets better and I become more positive for the rest of the day and beyond. Nature photography is a way to bring some of my good vibes back home to review and enjoy.  Many of these images prompt me to write free verse creative and positive poems connecting to the pictures I have taken.

From the 4 picture collage above you can see I find many different and often hidden parts of Nature that reach inside me to bring out the positive flow of my words.
I started posting these positive and what I feel are uplifting poems with the Nature photographs I had selected on Facebook on December 2, 2022. As I was seeing my Friends comments, loves, and likes I decided to post one every morning to maybe help others start their days. 

To preview my first series of these daily Nature posts and others on this Closer to Nature.... Blog go to this link to view the post on December 1, 2022:

I hope you enjoy these next series of Facebook inspirational messages I have received from my simple Photography journals when I go outside to become:
        Closer to Nature....

Left click on each photo or the positive text for a better view and easier reading in a gallery format. You can also scroll through them with the directional arrows. To return to the main page hit escape or click the X in the upper right hand corner of the picture.

Thanks for viewing and please leave any comments.

To find the hidden little life in the photo below go to the previous Inspirational Post  (Link in blue)            

        Closer to Nature......


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