Fun nature videos I have recorded!
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What species and what is it doing?
Observed East Lakeshore Trail Tellico Lake.
Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) from randy135 iNaturalist Observation
August 23, 2022:
What is this Swimming Fool doing right below the Maryville Tennessee Greenbelt Lake dam. He was irritating a Great Blue Heron.
Double-crested Cormorant (Nannopterum auritum) sometimes called a diving duck.
from randy135 iNaturalist Observation August 28, 2022
Slow and steady will win the underwater race, but don't let those strong beak like jaws get ahold of your toes!
Common Snapping Turtle
Chelydra serpentina
August 28, 2022 randy135:
A good friend and I took our kayaks during the summer of 2020 to paddle up into Citico Creek as it is about to flow into the Little River at the upper end of Tellico Lake. Citico Creek is a drainage from the Cherokee National Forest and has clean water as part of its watershed is Wilderness area.
A stop on a rocky beach after a paddle across the main channel and up into the riverbed above the back up from Tellico dam way downstream.
I noticed a different movement besides the current flow.
A series of different waves were moving beneath the surface. Small brown streaks flowing with a natural synchronization in the water with continual changes but still in harmony.
Just watch and try to understand or guess how they do this without much effort but like an all in on every portion of this dance with a group choreography moving together.
Watch and enjoy!
Alcoa Tennessee Greenway trail around the Pistol Creek smaller lake in the Alcoa Corporate Center development. I had seen and observed this Spider web two days earlier and got this observation of this Garden Orbweaver
Yellow Garden Spider Argiope aurantia
JUST WATCH FOR NEW UPDATES and look for posts of more to come
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