Bird Photography and Nature Journals

 Bird Photography and Nature Journals
Randy Puckett iNaturalist randy135

I just started watching and photographing birds over the last year. iNaturalist has been so helpful as I am able to recall features and ID several of the common species here in East Tennessee. A good friend has several bird-feeders off her front porch which attract a large variety of our winged friends. Getting good photographs is almost impossible with my iPhone, but an older smaller digital Canon PowerShot SX410 camera has helped me improve my pictures. I will be looking to upgrade with a newer more versatile camera in the near future. 

Patience and snapping several shots with the digital camera is a key. Using photo editing on my MacBook Pro laptop with digital zooming and careful cropping lets me take the 20 Megapixel images and get close up clarity even with photos taken well over 50 -75 feet away. 

Below are some of my favorite Aves photo's with their identification and my iNaturalist observation link for easy access to where I located these species and easy links to more information for each. I do plan on future Nature Journals and creative writing as well as some scientific NJ information in the future.

Keep scrolling down as I have added more bird photo's and even some bird poems and other creative writings as I soul search and find my connections with the "winged ones" !

I hope you enjoy the photos and will try and get into birding like I am presently.

To better view each of the images below just left click on one and it will appear enlarged and in a galley view. Use the directional arrows or swipe to scan forward or back. Hit escape to come back to the page view.

Favorite Birds I have recently Photographed

Young Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
randy135 iNaturlist observation

This is the only common Hummingbird found in East Tennessee. You can see the location where these observations were documented by going to my iNaturalist links for each observation.

I can see some darkening of his throat which shows this is a younger male.

Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird shot at the same location, time, and date.

Separate observation randy135

Bird Collages of my friends

I was a "Techie" playing with my MacBook to make bird photo collages. The first one was for "Mama June" my late loving Mother who loved watching birds. Her favorite was the Northern Cardinal or as she said the Redbird Cardinal. 

Native American lore often has the sighting of a Cardinal to be a gift and a visit from a past relative who is in the spirit world but looking out for you. 

Thank you Mama June for always being here for me during difficult times.

Two collages of Head shots and looks from birds who visit my friend's feeders every day this summer of 2022.

Wading Bird Digital Doodling Sketch

Was the Wading Bird part of my inner mind's connection to Great Blue Herons?

Long ago sketch August 1, 2004

Did I get the "Fluff" of the neck feathers?
On Maryville Greenbelt August 28, 2022

On Maryville Greenbelt July 5, 2021

What is this Bird?

Keep checking for newer posts and updated additions to the Bird section and page of this blog. I have many good photographs to post and will use them as writing prompts as I plan on making Nature Journals (NJ) with them over the next month or so.

Blue text for this dive-bombing Bluejay friend

I have several other sidebar pages with lots of bird photo and nature Journal formats featuring these friends. I upgraded to a better camera with Zoom lens in October 2022 and have really gotten into bird photography so check back for additions.


  1. Great bird photos! You have definitely not lost your photography chops!!


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