Cold dreary day so I wrote haiku's on bird photographs
February 11, 2023 in Maryville, Tennessee was a cold, overcast, windy, dreary day. Wind chills were below freezing and sunlight for warmth was pretty well non existent.
This winter in East Tennessee has had so many cloudy rainy days that I decided to take a 1-1/2 mile walk around the Greenbelt Lake at the bottom of the hill from my condo to take some bird photographs.
When I was on my deck earlier for my morning coffee I was hearing several birds calling down along the Greenway trail at the upper end of the lake. I was out from 10:00 am until 11:40 and posted 31 observations to iNaturalist of 16 different species of birds to this identity program. This Citizen Science platform helps me keep track of my observations and “experts” confirm my identifications or suggest changes.
That Saturday afternoon I was beginning to feel a cold coming on so I selected 8 of the different bird species and chose a photograph for each to write simple Haikus on the photo. House Sparrows got 2 Haikus. I felt this would help my mood on the dreary day.
This style of Nature “poetry” can be simple to write following the 3 line format of five syllables in the first and third lines, and seven syllables in the second line.
Left click on each photo for a better view in a gallery format. You can also scroll through them with the directional arrows. To return to the main page hit escape or click the X in the upper right hand corner of the picture.
Great Blue Heron
I have about finished a narrative Closer to Nature...Digital Nature Journal with over twenty photographs of these nine bird species to go with these Haiku’s. I will add the link to my longer Blog Page of this days “Moments in Nature” when I finish it and add it to Closer to Nature…
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